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Nuctech Official Site


In response to recent media stories, Nuctech would like to clarify misinformation being published as fact. Nuctech is a joint stock company with an open and versatile shareholding mix; it is not state controlled. We are a global manufacturer of security inspection equipment whose systems have been deployed to  170 countries. Our customers are the sole owners of all data generated by Nuctech’s systems. We understand and respect concerns around data security and work with local agencies to ensure their data is controlled by them in a safe way. Nuctech is 100 percent committed to the safety and security of our customers and their data and any suggestion to the contrary is categorically false and designed to stifle emerging market competition. Nuctech, as a company, has never been subject to any corruption or bribery charges. We reaffirm our commitment of dialogue and transparency and will continue to clarify any misconception with verifiable facts and figures.  

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